Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day who knows, but it's going great!

I've lost track of when I started this guess I could look at the oldest post, but that would take time. The diet is going amazingly well! I am staying on track and I have found that I loooove being healthy! I love excercising, I love eating healthy foods, I love the way it makes me feel! It's been amazing, and I have lost 15 pounds so far!

My 12 step group is helping a lot as well. I've been thinking about the verse in the Bible when Jesus says, "Men do not live on bread alone, but on the word of God." and I was thinking that everytime I get tempted to eat junk, or feel hungry when I'm not, I'm going to start praying and/or reading the word of God to encourage me, because I am pretty sure that's what He was talking about.

I am actually starting to see food in a healthy light now, for what it is. It is nothing more than fuel to keep us going. I only want to put the best gas in my car (which is why I usually go to Chevron) I want something that is going to cause it to run smoothly. I don't want to over due it, nor do I want to put stuff in the tank that I know will harm it, so why would I want to do that to my own body?

As an American, it is really hard to grasp this, because so much of what we do involves food. We have dates which are normally dinner and a movie, we've got the get together's with friends that usually involves food, parties involve a lot of food, superbowls, potlucks, etc. and there is something tempting on almost every corner, like the donut shop, or a fast food restaurant with tempting signs and aromas to entice us to come in. It is so hard to resist, and to think of food in a healthy way, because we are surrounded by it. It's not like drugs, drugs are less hard to come by, and with alchohol, if someone notices you going to the bar quite a bit, they'll say something and try to intervene, but everyone's gotta eat, and everyone loves junk food, and almost nobody is looking at food in a healthy way, so it is more readily available,. and much harder to resist.

So I am trying to change my whole mindset, when most of the people around me have another, which is going to be difficult, but I can do it with the strength that comes through prayer and reading the word of God! I am so excited about this change! As always, God bless and stay tuned!

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