My husband, Jon, and I were talking tonight about being prepared for the worst. I just wanted to share some of what we talked about, because I feel like it's already causing me to grow as a person, a wife, a parent, etc.
We live in a world, in a time and culture where everything and everyone has the attitude of "gimme' gimme'!" And when they get what they wanted, it's no longer enough. They start to shout, "Gimme'!" All the more. I didn't even think about this fact before tonight, but it's a good thing to remember: for every time you get your way, somebody else does not. You got the house, somebody else who wanted that same house lost out. You got the job, somebody who needed/wanted that job didn't get it. You got the promotion, someone else lost out on that promotion, and so on and so forth it goes.
It's a good thing to keep in mind, when we are throwing tantrums at God and asking Him, "Why haven't you given me that job yet?! Why aren't I out of debt? Why don't I have more money?!" God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He has the best of intentions for you. If I did not get that job, it probably went to someone who needed it more than me. It's a good way to view life, to know that God is in control, and to just keep striving to do your best in everything you do and in everything you are.
It is also good to wake up every morning with the thought that things could be a whole lot worse, ie: you could be a victim of the tsunami, you could have lost a loved one to that tragedy, you could lose your job, you could lose your health, you could lose your limbs, etc. and I know some of these things sound extreme, but they happen everyday to unassuming people just like you and I, and the only way to be able to face these things is to know who you are, who God is and to be totally grounded in that and to realize that God is in control. It also makes everyday life seem more like the miracle and blessing that is truly is. I am going to put these things into effect in my own life immediately.
Now in the keeping of my usual blog, big progress is being made with my weight loss break through. I am involved in this "event", at my church called Regenerate. It's a lot like lent. We are fasting something or things, that are holding us back for 40 days and we are in this all together. It is so encouraging and powerful to know that we are all pressing on toward God and making progress together and it has helped to keep me on track.
"And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Mark 9:29
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins."
1 Peter 4:8
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