Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

I can't believe it is already nearing the end of the first month of 2011! Time is flying by faster and faster these days which is part of why I am so motivated to get in shape. I don't want to be 50 and still be miserable and overweight. I say miserable not cause I act like it, but because I feel miserable with all of this weight on me. I feel so tied down and inhibited, unable to do all the things I want to do, because I feel embarassed or uncomfortable.

These past few days have not been difficult food wise, because I have been sick with a sinus infection and my throat has been so sore that I have barely wanted to eat. I am still hating the sight of junk food and how it makes me feel, so that is a good sign. Tomorrow will be the real test though, cause it is my sister's birthday and I told her I would take her to yogurtland and I should not eat anything there, so I am praying for willpower in that situation.

I also wanted to share with whoever is reading this, that this has been an amazing weekend. My husband and I went whale watching (two very good friends gave it to us as a gift cause I have been wanting to go for 15 years), we saw 3 grey whales and it was so beautiful, I cried. God's creation is just amazing! The next day we went to Disneyland in celebration of my sister's birthday and spent some quality time with my family at my favorite place on earth, then today I got to attend our church, which in my opinion, is the best church on earth ;-) I hope all of you are blessed! As always, stay tuned!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24th

It seems things are getting easier, especially when people call me fat (which just happened), it only makes me more motivated to not want to live like this anymore. I can tell today might be somewhat hard though, because I am sick and my throat is sore and I want soup really bad, but I already had breakfast. I'm going to be strong and get through this though!
I hope whoever is reading this that the day finds you well and I hope that this encourages you if you are dealing with any sort of addiction. You can beat it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 went great as well! I didn't get all of the excercise in that I wanted to, but that's ok, because it was my mother in laws birthday, so we were over there having a tea party and celebrating with them. I was very proud of myself today, because there were all kinds of tempting goodies at my in-laws, and I only had a bite of Gabby's cookie! I had salad, half a scone, and a piece of bruschetta with seafood salad on top. This is getting easier and easier...

Friday, January 21, 2011

day 3 and 1/2

Day 3 ended in success!! I worked out with my mother in law, corrected my mistake of earlier over eating by eating less less at dinner time, and I walked over 12,000 steps! I am starting to really hate, even the smell, of junk food! Let's hope that continues!

I also ran into a couple of friends who had lost 134 pounds combined, so we all encouraged each other and I believe whole heartedly, that was God-ordained. :-)

Stay tuned!!

day 3

I am in the morning phase of day 3, and today I feel sluggish and tired. I was very tempted by Gabby's food this morning and took a bite, but that was my only mistake. (usually I go way overboard and eat the whole thing and have to make her more, disgusting, I know).I am picking myself up 'by the boot straps' so to speak and I am gonna make myself get out and excercise, and as for my mistake of earlier, I'll just eat less tonight.

Writing this blog and seeing my thoughts and actions written out in front of me, is a big wake up call and motivator. Stay tuned, I'll post more tonight on how the day went.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 was a success!! I took my daughter to the park with my sister in law, to play with her cousins. They played, we chased them around and they had a picnic. After I let her rest for a while at my parents, we all went to the Snow Creek trails where I walked 4,000 steps, and might I add, it was gorgeous! I felt like I was in a Winnie the Pooh book.

This healthy living stuff has got me feeling amazing!! I am more energized and happier than ever. I was happy with life to begin with, but man, this is amazing! I'm just gonna keep on going!

Dieting is getting much easier, because I am finding that I want junk food less and less. In fact, I am starting to hate it, because I remember how it makes me feel so lousy.

Stay tuned and all keep you posted with my progress!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My first Blog!

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Harris! I am a stay at home mom, living in Los Angeles, married to my best friend. I am nothing special, just a girl who loves the Lord, loves her husband and daughter, is trying to be a better person and trying to lose a lot of weight!

I decided to start my blog, so that I can be held accountable with my weight loss, and in trying to be a better person. I figured if I write it down for everyone to see, it would be harder to fail.

Today, in trying to lose weight, I am going with my usual diet of slim fast and I am taking my daughter to the arboretum so that we can both get some excercise! I tell ya, I am so ready to lose weight, and I wish people would better understand that people who are overweight, don't want to be overweight. We have a struggle with food, not unlike alchoholism, or addiction to drugs. It is a hard habit to break, because it is addicting, and it has been my way of coping with things.

In our society, we are outcasts, looked down on and not even considered by many people. I am not here to stand up for the "fatty," because I know that being fat is unhealthy and not right, I am just here to say that we are people too, and this is our struggle, and if you could try not to judge us, but to realize that most of us don't even want to be this way, and if you could just be encouraging and understanding, it sure would make our lives much easier and I think, help us along the road to recovery.

I am currently in a 12 step program at my church for over-eaters. My awesome sister in law, has allowed me to send her daily messages about what I am eating that day, whether good or bad, so that I can be held accountable. And starting today, my friends Donnie, Lydia and I are calling each other with our food plans for the day as well.

My goal is to drop 200 pounds!! Wish me luck and stay tuned!!